Science Cloud settings#

1 Linux VM with graphical environment#

This approach uses the interface provided in the browser by the Science cloud. It has potential safety vulnerabilities as involves creating a user with a password so access would be possible without ssh key

1.1. Set up ssh key#

See the ‘Getting access to my VM’ of the training material: It is likely you need to install Openssh feature for Windows( I had to install it copying the commands for powershell (up to the section connect to Open SSH server, excluding that)

Once done go to power shell. In short: Go to windows *powershell*

  • You will ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 to generate a key. Go with the defaults and it will save some files in your home directory .ssh

  • From those files you will need to copy the public Key in the VM instance. So type cat ~/.ssh/ and copy the entire output. Go to the Cloud dashboard and paste it into the import KEY options of Access and security

  • Then do ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa ubuntu@<your-instance-ip-address> to access it. Get the IP from the cloud dashboard

  • Next time you can just do ssh ubuntu@<your-instance-ip-address>

Now you are in the VM!

Note: You can add several ssh keys to a VM

1.2. Updates and upgrades#

IMPORTANT NOTE It is the responsability the user to keep the VM up to date! some of the regular updates may be critical

  • sudo apt update

  • sudo apt upgrade

  • Critical updates will be regular. This process will have to be done regularly when working on the VM. It needs maintainance constant sudo unattended-upgrade

1.3. Install Mate-minimal#

  • sudo apt install tasksel

  • sudo tasksel

  • In the new menu select Mate-minimal (but leave the boxes with an asterisk as they are or you will uninstall things!!!!)

  • Use arrow keys and spacebar to select, press tab to go to the OK button)

1.4. Create user#


  • Install sudo apt install fail2banto block it when someone puts the password wrong 3 times.

  • Create user: sudo adduser <yourusername>

  • Give a SECURE password! min 16 characters combination of letters, numbers and symbols…

  • Ignore other details if you wish (press Enter in the upcoming queries

1.5. User Access to desktop environment#

via Science cloud website#

  • Simply click on the instance and in the console you will see the desktop environment window

via remote desktop#

  • In the VM linux console: sudo apt install xrdp

  • In the science cloud dashboard: go to Access & security and then to create a new group. It should have a 2 ‘egresss’ fields. Then go to and Manage rules there you can create a custom TCP rule with the port 3389. Direction = ingress. Create the rule. The group should only have those two default egress rules and one ingress with 3389

  • In the science cloud dashboard: go to your instance and edit security groups . Add the newly created group together with the default group into the VM groups

  • You will need to be in the machine with ssh (in windows power shell ssh ubuntu@<instance ip>

  • Then you can open remote desktop and access the machine with: <ip>:3389

1.6. Attach a NAS#

  • sudo apt install cifs-utils

  • If not created yet, create the directory sudo mkdir /mnt/smbdir

  • Mount the NAS: sudo mount -t cifs -o rw,user=<uzh_username>,uid=<user> //<nas_address> /mnt/smbdir ( user will be your ubuntu user id) e.g., sudo mount -t cifs -o rw,user=gfraga,uid=pepitogrillo //$ /mnt/smbdir

1.7 Matlab#

  • Open MATE Terminal

  • Type matlab

  • Wait a bit.

  • Do some science

2 Working in the Linux Virtual Machine#

With the right workflow the need for the VM graphical environment will be minimal

IMPORTANT! You must keep the VM up to date. When initiating it, do:

  • Check and install updates sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

  • Reboot the machine sudo reboot

Graphical environment limitations#

We use this environment to have more user friendly access some toolboxes, script running and troubleshooting. But Keep in mind in the current setup the desktop environment:

  • may NOT capable to render advanced plots

  • is laggy

  • the user created does not have sudo permissions

Command line from your local terminal ssh ubuntu@<ip of your VM> will be better for things like:

  • Mount NAS storage

  • Copy files to directories accessible to all possible users

  • Installations and upgrades of the VM (as they are not linked to a user)

Suggested workflow#

  • Use a central storage location that will be accessible from both local and cloud VM

  • Ensure you or your team have a snapshot of a VM with the main programs you need

  • When possible test your pipeline locally in your machine (e.g., with a couple of subjects)

  • You may download and install toolboxes (e.g., EEGlab) locally and then copy them to the cloud or, if possible (not all will work), have them from the start in the central storage

  • Use relative paths in your scripts (e.g., use a function to obtain the current directory and set it as your ‘base directory’) and avoid platform-specific delimiters. Matlab example: fullfile(myBaseDirectory,'Data','Raw') and NOT ~~[myBaseDirectory,'\Data\Raw']~~