Google text-to-speech
Google text-to-speech#
Generates audio files from text.
The API Google Text-to-Speech ( in Google Cloud services offers advanced naturalistic voices (like Wavenet, Neural2). It also has advanced features, like the possibility of customizing and tunning voices. If you just need some basic synthetic-sounding text to speech using the standard engine, you can use’gTTS’ library in Python
In this example we will set up the API and run some Python code in the cloud to generate variations of a sentence for an experiment
Get started with Google Cloud#
You better follow the official quick start guides on this: It is easy and quick to get your gmail user started. Warning note that most of the services have a cost after the free trial period. Also, of course, note that you will have your files in the Google cloud…
Once there you can Activate ‘Cloud Shell’ (terminal icon on top right corner next to your user). This will open a tab at the bottom of the page where you can run commands.
In the Cloud Shell you can also run python code if you type
In the Cloud Shell terminal tab you can click Open Editor which you will need to run code for your API (see below)
Set up Google Text-to-speech API#
Once you are a GC user there are many services and APIs you can use. Text to speech is just one of them
After becoming a Google cloud user you will probably have a default starter project “My First Project” or something like that. You will operate within that project.
Go to your cloud console
In the Navigation menu on the left side go to APIs and services/Library
Once in the API library type: Text-to-speech in the search bar to find the API site
Once there follow the get started guides and click on Try This API to access the documentation:
Run code to generate sentences#
Open the editor (From Cloud shell terminal, click ‘open editor’ )
There you should see on the left side a panel wtih your project and API folder and files
You can start a new file (file/ open) with some code and then run it from there
Code snippet#
The following code will:
Create variations of a fixed sentence structure in which 3 words can vary
Generate speech from each variation with different naturalistic voices
Save each file as mp3 with the filename accounting for the variation number and voice used.
import as tts
import os
# Sentence variations
sentence = 'Vorsicht xnamex, gang sofort zum xcolorx Fäld vo de Spalte xnumberx'
names = ['Adler','Drossel','Tiger','Unke']
colors = ['Gelb','Gruen','Rot','Weiss']
numbers = ['Eins','Zwei','Drei','Vier']
sentence_version = [sentence.replace("xnamex", name).replace("xcolorx", color).replace("xnumberx", number)
for name in names for color in colors for number in numbers]
lang_voice_speaker = ['de-DE-Neural2-D',
#lang_voice_speaker = ['de-DE-Wavenet-F']
def text_to_wav(voice_name: str, text: str, outputname: str):
language_code = "-".join(voice_name.split("-")[:2])
text_input = tts.SynthesisInput(text=text)
voice_params = tts.VoiceSelectionParams(language_code=language_code, name=voice_name)
audio_config = tts.AudioConfig(audio_encoding=tts.AudioEncoding.LINEAR16)
client = tts.TextToSpeechClient()
response = client.synthesize_speech(input=text_input, voice=voice_params, audio_config=audio_config)
filename = f"{outputname}.wav"
with open(filename, "wb") as out:
print(f'Generated speech saved to "{filename}"')
for i,text in enumerate(sentence_version):
for voice_name in lang_voice_speaker:
outputname = "s{:02d}".format(i+1)+'_' + voice_name