Redcap - setup#

REDCap is a secure web application for building and managing online surveys and databases. Ideal for keeping your participants info like screening or questionnaires, which may contain identifying information

Here are some quick notes:


User profile#

  • Here you can set up your decimal and thousand separator and date formats (will affect data export from all your projects)

  • Each user can have several projects organized in folders. The folder organization of the projects only affects that user

Start a new project#

Some important options in project setup are:

  • Project status. setting up de the project in “Production” status means it is considered as completed. It will still be modifiable but to do this would require additional validation steps

  • User rights: give permissions and create roles with different levels of permissions. Permit or block data export or designer functions..

  • You can copy, rename project titles, etc

  • Adding the participant’s email. This will be very helpful to save time contacting participants, sending reminders, etc. Note that some information like email addresses can be masked when exporting to prevent identifying subjects.

  • Backing up project: what is best approach? (…) See e.g.,



Each project can have many different instruments. For example you could have : “cognitive_tests” and “questionnaires” .

  • Each instrument can be set as survey that can be sent to participants as a link (see next section)

  • Each instrument can have events: for example, several time points of the same test/survey

  • In each instrument you can add FIELDS (~= variables)

  • Fields can be added manually one by one or IMPORTED from an excel sheet. Check redcap ‘data dictionary ‘ to see how attributes and formats will be imported. Importing at least the names and basic formatting might be faster.

  • You can also upload Fields to and from multiple projects

  • Field label is the field description. It automatically creates a Variable name replacing spaces by “_”. But it is best to revise the variable names and check if that is what you want in your data set (see variable nomenclatures). Decide this names in advance and a consistent way of describing your fields.

  • WARNING: once set you CAN NOT rename your variables or change field labels. It will DELETE all records (participant data) from that variable/field

  • Define the format (date,number , text , decimal separator).

  • Add validation to prevent data entry errors (e.g., percentile scores can only include max 100, date format must comply to the field format, etc)

  • A field can have calculations using a formula to compute variables from existing variables

  • You can add Begin section to mark a series of fields from , e.g., the same test

  • Set to “required’ if you want to make filling that variable compulsory

  • ‘Identifier’ options can be restricted for a given variable to mask exporting (?)

  • Use field Notes for lengthier explanations or notes on this variable .How is this exported?


Surveys are instruments that can be sent via link .

  • A participant can receive a link with several surveys or you can use individual links

  • The survey filling can be interrupted. If clicked in ‘save and continue later’ the participant will get a code for reentry. If this is lost the owner can resend this link to the participant

  • Survey distribution tools. If you decide to include the email addresses of your participants (records) this will facilitate sending survey links and reminders to participants.


Variable nomenclature#

Keep it consistent and document it !! (use English!)
E.g., Suggested nomenclature for behavioral tests in a longitudinal study: [Timepoint_Test_subtest_valueType_scoreType] T1_SLRT_words_corr_raw T1_SLRT_words_RT_raw

valueType = if a test has multiple scoring possibilities or errors/hits, RT, accu
Score type = rw/pr/T …etc


  • CONSISTENCY across variables: e.g. raw score always indicated the same abbreviation

  • Consistency also with cap/small letters usage!

  • Keep name parts brief but still descriptive.

  • Write a Codebook Variable names should be identifiable on their own, but a codebook is required for completion and clarification clarifications (e.g, ARHQ_father_mean_rw In codebook ARHQ= Adult reading history questionnaire, etc).

  • Use underscore “_” as separator

  • Avoid spaces and potentially conflicting characters: -,%,&,$,’ etc


Did you find a nonsensical value in one variable and want know who to blame? The tool Applications/Project Loggin will allow this. You can filter by user, time period, etc.

The logging tool may have a lot of info and may not be constantly revised. A suggestion could be to ask people responsible from data entry to log in an easily accessible README text file when and a what corrections have been made to keep track of these (e.g., “10.10.2020 (GFG)– SLRT raw scores from x to y”). Then this can be confirmed in the detail application logging.